Wednesday, May 1, 2013

No one said it would be easy, only that it would be worth it...

...Well I know, it really will be worth it in the end, it's why I do it.

I thought my blog title was going to be obsolete and I'd need to change it, because my son was potty trained. WAS potty trained. Now he's regressed. So Yay, I don't need to sit and think of a new name! Plus I have baby #2 on the way so we'll still be the traveling nomad family with a diaper butt for awhile.
I was really frustrated with my son, for teasing us with all his big boy peeing and pooping on the toilet so we didn't even need pull-ups, and then it seems since his Daddy left, he decided that he will only pee on the toilet. Poop has no place in the toilet, and it will never go there. He will hold it in for days if he must, potty monster does NOT deserve his food! Well, I get to thinking and talking to a few professionals in the matter, and I really do need to leave it alone and let him poop his pants for a little longer. Although I'm not thrilled with being THAT parent of the kid who always smells like poo, he JUST turned three and boys are notorious for being difficult potty trainers. Plus, at the same time I got a new job and sent him to the babysitter full-time, his Daddy deployed for the 4th time, and I guess it's too much for his little brain to process. When big changes occur in a toddler's life, sleep or potty training are the first to go out the window, and I guess I should be happy that sleep is still fine in this house! So I'm trying real hard to make it a non-issue right now, and we'll revisit in a couple months maybe.
I still get to hear the words "Mommy, I dotta, doe pee-pee!!"

And wow, I'm going to be a Mother of TWO! This is not a SHOCK because I didn't want it, it's just a shock because, WHOA! Another human being that God forms together in MY body for me to care for. That's HUGE with lots of ups and downs and everything in-between. I am not one of the women who is a big fan of being pregnant. I get a lot of "well you should really think of those who don't get to have babies and then you should be grateful" No, that makes me more sad, actually. I WANT every woman in the world to have a chance at being a mother--the most incredible experience ever! I am so adamant about it that I think if you're single and the clock is ticking, go pick out a specimen and get inseminated (half-kidding)!
Sorry, but things about pregnancy are awful! Especially when you're a control freak--you have to pray a lot. I cannot stand not knowing what I want to eat, and not being excited about most foods during the first trimester and just overall feeling like garbage. When I feel sick I get too scared that I'm not in good enough shape to be an outstanding mother and servant at work. The exhaustion that comes from your body working overtime building a human, my moods are like a never-ending PMS session, not being able to control those swings because they just sneak up, is really not cool!
I'm SO thankful for the people who have put up with my moods and my crappy attitudes, they just chalk it up to hormones and move on, for I am fully aware, that the end result of pregnancy is why I do it. Growing them myself though... man...

Let's not get into ALL THE INDIGESTION. I hope my child is okay with Tums and Gas-X being a normal part of his/her diet.

I'm still frightened by the fact that I will potentially explode and die from all the love I will feel. Like, despite his monstrous behavior, my son is the light of my life, and everything I never thought I'd deserve. He's the most beautiful thing I've ever created and the best thing to ever happen to me. HOW DO YOU FEEL THAT MORE THAN ONCE WITHOUT DYING???? And how do you spread it to each offspring equally? Does it just WORK? Anyhow, I can't wait!!

I should add, the other shocker I experienced was getting a really great job at the same time I found out I was pregnant. TOTALLY WANTED BOTH REALLY BAD, but was hoping for them to be spread apart a little... God's plan is better than mine though, so hey, I'm jumping in!
It's been difficult, I've had to try to master putting together me and Christopher's daily life after being unemployed for 5 months, I still don't have it figured out but we're here, and we're surviving, and the weather is getting warmer, and I'm in LOVE with that! He sometimes sleeps in my bed with me, which I don't mind 'cause i love to look at him. We often have PB&J for dinner, maybe even just Cheerio's or even better, muffins! But, we always add fruit. ;) My house goes on blast all week, until I can finally find time to clean it on weekends. I may throw in a little vacuuming or I'll load/unload the dishwasher during the week, but that's the extent.

I've had to teach myself to be okay with that.

I hate having to teach myself stuff, I just want to BE the way I need to be instead of having to work at it. I have enough "work" to do in and out of the home that I don't want to work on myself I guess?

Teaching myself that it doesn't work like that. UGH!

I'm slowly getting better at my job. There's so much to take in and process, so much systems and software and terms and methods, and THINGS I have been and still need to get used to.
I will continue to be a working Mom when #2 arrives. I found ANOTHER... FABULOUS daycare that I am confident Christopher and #2 will be fine at and even love, and I may even love them to the extent that I cry when we leave (like I did once before in another time and place). It's affordable and Praise God I found it! I LOVE to work outside of the home. I never once felt like anyone else was raising my child for me. If anything, they were a HUGE support system, and it saddens me that others have not had the same experience with daycare/babysitters. Here's where a pregnancy comment will commence, ready for it???

If I hear/read one more person say "Oh I could never send off my child to a daycare to have someone else raise him/her for me" I'm going to start punching kittens!!

I don't want to punch kittens. :(

It truly IS hard to leave your child with someone else at first, but it gets easier, I promise. And if you make sure of it, you don't end up missing their "firsts" either.

Then I miss my hubby something terrible. Deployments NEVER get easier, You only get stronger, but you don't know it until it's over, because I can assure you I feel like a hot mess right now, rather than strong. I feel extremely dumb at all times, from all of the things I have to do and remember. Can you believe I just had a FB conversation with a friend where we both agreed that we would take any of the previous deployments over this one? It's true! And none of the deployments are necessarily good, but the previous ones were easier than the current. I miss his company, I miss his help, I miss wanting to punch him in the face because he's so annoying. I'm quite exhausted from doing everything myself. Like, "yes Christopher, what else do you need before I can finally sit down and eat my OWN dinner?" and Dear Lacy Dog, since you only listen to your Daddy and he's not here, you have to be on a dog line when you are outside because you are naughty and don't listen to me and I literally have NO EXTRA TIME To chase you and find you! You also get to eat a special powder on your food because I cannot stomach your butt-breath from eating your poop anymore!

The Department of Defense should know that deployments not only cause people to have mental breakdowns and get mis-diagnosed with diabetes, but it also causes toddlers to stop pooping in the potty!

Yes it's what we signed up for, and my heart is proud... but whoa...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Do we know what we are doing yet?

My husband was supposed to depart a week ago. The little man and I are so happy that we got another week with Daddy, and now it looks like that will continue into two weeks! It's been really great having him home, right on the day when I was starting to feel a little empty and very bored, the day before I get in "the Zone" and start my own schedule and get used to a deployment. That's the good side of the Army not knowing their butts from their elbows. However, as many spouses feel I'm sure--if they HAVE to go, can they just get going already and get this over with?!?!

The past weekend has been relaxing, not much going on, the snowy tundra continues, and although I was hoping to escape it, and go downstate to my parents house, having my husband home a little longer is good too. Since the week began, he's been hogging my phone (he had his turned off since he THOUGHT he'd be gone by now) trying to figure out when he's leaving. One guy tells him one thing, another guy tells him another, and so on. In the mean time, I'm trying to plan a birthday party for our son, figure out when I'm going to my parents house, eat breakfast and get dressed, decide whether or not I'm going to stock up on groceries for the next couple weeks or not, because I'm not going to if I won't be here! On top of that, I cannot find my camera, and if we do go downstate to visit the family, I need my packages to come in the mail because I ordered some more interview clothing, and I don't want it sitting in the snow all week! I also need my phone back because I'm frantic about this camera and I need to find out if I left it at either parents house, the last time I was there!

First world problems.

Looks like he's leaving in the next few days (can't say much in detail on the internet, for those reading and wondering about specifics) and if he doesn't, we still won't know when!! HAHAHA! Hopefully we'll get better good-bye pics this time, if I can find my camera!

I'm really looking foreword to the Welcome Home ceremony in 9 months, those are the best! Now that we are in the home state, all the family can come witness it as well. :)

Last night, was one of the cutest, fun, fantastic and amazing nights with my boy. As I was putting him to bed, I sang our usual FOUR bed time songs: "Jesus Loves Me," "Jesus Loves the Little Children," "Lord's Army," and "Sunshine." He decided for the first time that he wanted to sing along with me! It was THE CUTEST and I was so PROUD hearing him sing those words, and just couldn't help marveling at how smart he is for knowing all the words. Then he just continued to be his silly self and make up words or sounds that went along with the tunes, and I would tickle him every time which caused more laughing and well, his laugh is my favorite. <3

I will try and capture this on video soon. It seems that right now, he still feels a bit silly singing and so he may not do it on camera.

Proud Mother moments, I never thought they'd happen to me at one point in my life. Now they are happening every single day. Even if he does make me want to sell him at some points. Three is definitely better and worse than 2.

I'm off to watch Disney Jr. with my little crazy nut.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

A combination of Army annoyance, and toddler antics.

It's time again for another deployment for us. It came very sudden when hubb got word that he was going with only a weeks notice (but then we ended up with two weeks, which is great)!  So we've been preparing and enjoying our time together. We'll be fine, we've done this 3 times before. No one worry about us, we'll be just great!

Today was the day he was supposed to leave but due to the weather they can't leave. I'm starting to notice a pattern here in Northern NY; snow, frigid temps, spring temps, high winds with rain and the snow melts, snow comes back and temps go down again. In true ARMY form, someone decided the guys can't leave post and go home for one extra day while we wait for the weather to subside.

So my day so far has been like this:

No sleep at all until 4 a.m. cause we had to bring Craig at 3 a.m. to base, and I couldn't fall asleep before that because that's how I roll before I have to drop my husband off for almost a year in a foreign country. We drop him off, after saying our good-byes, drive home in the high winds almost blowing away--with a toddler. 4.5 hours of sleep and at 8:30 a.m. getting notified they can't fly out and I need to come get him.


Sweet, "another day with Daddy!" I tell Christopher. We get ready to leave, which entails chasing toddler around the house trying to get clothes on him, he thinks it's a fun game. No.

On the way he drops a train in the car "Mommy my train!!!" I sweetly say "I can't get it right now my love, I'm driving"
Christopher: "but I want you to get it!!!"
Me: "I can't reach it, I have to drive!"
Christopher: "Nooooooo, get it!!!"
Me: "If I get it, we'll get boo-boos!"
Christopher: "I need my train!!"
Me: "we have to go get Daddy!"
Christopher: "I don't want you to drive!!"
Me: "well that's the only way Daddy can come home for today"
Christopher: " NOOOOOOO!!!"

Does anyone else have random, weird arguments with their toddler too, or is it just my blessing?

Then I get a phone call again from hubbs, "Don't come, I'm sorry... they won't let us leave but the flight is still cancelled until tomorrow"

So I turn around to go back home.

Christopher: "I don't wanna go back to the NEW HOUSE (he still calls it that)"
Me: "I'm sorry buddy, we can't go get Daddy yet"
Christopher (Crying): "But I wanna go get Daddy!!!!"
Me: "I know bud, but he said no, we can't get him yet"
Christopher: "nooooo! He said YESSSSS!!!!"
Me: "oh okay baby"

He proceeds to cry. A few minutes later: "Mommy I'm all done!!!"
Me: "Oh good baby, I don't like when You cry"
Christopher: "cause it makes everyone sad?"
Me: "Yes baby, it makes us sad when you cry or when you're naughty"
Christopher: "when I'm a good boy, it makes everyone SOOOO HAPPY?!?!"
Me: "yes baby, it does"

This kid is going to be THREE tomorrow. I cannot believe that time has gone by already.
I remember saying to one of his previous care takers "I don't ever see him being a three-year-old, I don't see it happening" and she said to me "Well get ready Mom, cause it's gonna happen!"
And here it is. Now, I can't believe he was ever that little.

He is a chocolate milk and pb&j addict. I don't know if I can ever get him to eat much of anything else. Once in awhile he'll have broccoli or an apple = WIN! He also likes cheese, ham, french fries, chicken fingers and buttered noodles. For snacks he likes Nutri-Grain bars, cheerios, goldfish, or cookies. So I guess he's okay. I hope as he gets older he'll adopt healthier eating habits--like when he can understand the reasoning behind it.

I miss those days. I am totally ready for another one. But we all agree that I should have a job first. So we can better take care of these little beings. We're not done paying off our Euro-trips either. You see priorities here, right?!?! :p

It's only gotten better as he's gotten older. He's so ridiculously funny, I couldn't even type out all the stuff he says and does, I'd be up until 4 a.m. again. He's so smart. The other day he said to me out of nowhere: "Mommy, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT" and he actually pointed to the proper side each time! I sure didn't teach him that!

He's finally potty-trained. If anything good came out of my unemployment so far, that is it. I should even put it on my resume "potty training a little boy" 'cause it's not an easy task! I feel accomplished in that respect, for sure. It's so funny though, he still tries to hold in everything as long as he possibly can and he runs in circles holding himself when it's about to come out because he just CAN'T miss a thing on Disney Jr.!!

I am so blessed and lucky to have this little man. He's the sunshine of my life! He runs up to me and his Dad constantly, all on his own saying "I LOVE YOU!!" *Melts* sometimes he'll grab my face to kiss me, all on his own! He must love his Mommy. ;)
He's obsessed with his cars and trains, with Thomas and Elmo. We're trying to get him into other movies because I'm not sure how much more we can take of Elmo! I can handle Thomas, just no more Elmo!
I still look at him daily and wonder how he's mine. How did I get so blessed? I'm not sure he's going to be allowed to become a teenager, but we'll see. Mom's of teenagers seem to have some fun as well, but I don't like the non-ability to cuddle, due to them being too big.

His laugh is my favorite. And I honestly don't mind him crawling in our bed in the wee morning hours EVERY DAY because it's just too stinking wonderful to be able to wake up to his sweet, perfect face every morning. <3 He's not going to do this forever.

I cannot wait until his birthday party next week. I love celebrating the best thing to ever happen to me!

So today we're just sitting at home and hoping the place doesn't blow away and waiting to see if we have to go pick up our soldier or not. Only to bring him back again tomorrow anyway. Who signed us up for living here in the snowy tundras??! Oh yeah, we did! We begged for it! I kind of miss Europe. I was employed there. But hey, we're HOME and that's all that matters.

God is good, always. But I'm just a bit crabby today. And that's okay.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Hi Kids. Well the past few months have gone so fast. I've spent them moving and job hunting. Amongst a few other things. Someone I know re-enlisted AND is NOT deploying anytime soon! Two fist bumps for that!

 I swear being back in the homeland has been trying to kill me though. Since I was back I had the flu, a "lady sort" of infection, followed by a rash that made me look like I was a lepor, and another lingering cold, followed by another lingering cold. At least I'm not suffering from 3 months of anxiety and depression and pseudo-diabetes I guess? If you read the previous entry you'll know what I mean.

I've been growing accustomed to this stay-at-home-mom thing and I am already missing my baby boy at the thought of leaving him again. But I've done this before. I do miss working, I miss my career. I also need to pay off student loans. :p You Mom's who are able to stay at home with your kids are blessed. You don't have a job, you have a blessing or two, three, four, and so on...

I've had a bunch of interviews, some I wasn't really interested in and maybe they could sense it? I'm holding out for the perfect one, because I know it's out there. I know what I can do and what I'm worth. As an Army Spouse it's hard with all the moving around and in some places there just aren't jobs available to the educated spouses, and it gets frustrating. I also believe that God has a wonderful plan for me, so if I was being rejected, it was because he was saving me from something that was not going to be spectacular. Because I'm great at what I do! I am using my free time to practice tutorials and educate myself even more. My time off has taught me to get so sick of myself being lazy, so there is no possible way I could be lazy at this new amazing job that is on my horizon.

I had two interviews in the past two days, both went really well. I think the first one was a bit nutty, as the guy who needs employees is a nut about work. He's a work-a-holic and admits he's crazy about work and he loses sleep over it. That's great and all, he's definitely successful. Kudos to him, ya know? I know I can do the job, I think I'd be great at it, but I openly admitted that I DO have urgency about my work and I DO care, I do work hard, but I can't loose sleep over it because my body will become literally ill, and I'll miss work due to sick days. I felt I could be open to him like that because he was blunt about a lot of things himself, which I appreciate. It's good to be honest! I think if you can already connect to a potential employer and even have some small talk on topics of common interest or experience, that's a big factor as to whether or not one can land the position, on top of experience and talent and reliability and what not. The main thing I didn't enjoy was that they didn't play music in their shop!! *cringe*

Then I had an interview yesterday at a place which supports Audiologists and doctors who take care of the ears (or something like that, I'll learn more when I'm hired), and people who need to buy hearing aids. I thought it would be boring when I first learned of the company name, but that shows you should never judge by first impression all the time! When I interviewed I thought I'd really want it. I loved the two people I interviewed with and from what they told me I think it sounds like a great company with great leaders/owners. I was told they want to bring me in for a 2nd interview. So I'm sitting and waiting on my phone call!

Today I'm grateful for a day off from interviews. They were kind of exhausting, since they were early in the morning and I had to fight the toddler to get dressed, get out of the house and enter Craig's grandmother's house. He ended up having a great time there of course, but he screams and misbehaves for me at first because that's how he rolls. He's for sale if anyone is interested :p We've been snuggling on the couch, and when that happens I get lazy and drowzy and feel like I need to sleep. So I had to get another cup of coffee to get my butt up and get my chores done.

I've been drawing more and trying to get my mojo back in that department. It's going well, but slow. I can't exactly draw a lot with a toddler awake who will want to join me.. who can blame him? But I have to switch pages so he doesn't scribble all over my DRAW-RINGS!

I have I mentioned I can't wait to get a job? so I can buy craft supplies and sell my creations! Then I'll have TWO jobs! Things will get better. They just have to!

I have to get making my breakfast. I've been eating a bit cleaner, and it's really helped in the tummy department. I look flatter and I'm feeling less squishy. It's mostly in what you eat, and if you stick with it you notice a difference in a week or so. Not a HUGE difference but you'll see how it changes within each week. If I try to indulge in even HALF of a donut my body hates it and gets upset and causes me to push out some manly farts and my stomach looks like I'm 3 months prego. Sometimes the upset is something even grosser. So hopefully I can keep that in mind and stick to healthy foods only.


Friday, July 6, 2012

Bromley Eurotrip - Our 5-year-long Honeymoon (or something like that)

Well this sure has been a quick past five years. Before I start from the begining I have to take you through last summer. Last year at this time, I could not wait to get out of here, more than anything all I wanted to do was sleep until it was time to go back to the States. We had fulfilled our three year contract in Germany but we signed on for another three for many reasons. Lesson learned, When you're in a military family, I don't really recommend doing that, unless you're by family--especially if you have children. After a GREAT 3 years in this part of Bavaria, I suddenly had the turn of a lifetime into a twilight zone that I thought was going to bring me down. About a month after my husband returned from his 3rd deployment, A random outburst of Anxiety and Depression that would last an entire two months, felt like an eternity. No one could figure out what was wrong with me, or why it hit so hard, so random, and for so long. To make a long story short I got diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes as a result, because I hadn't eaten properly due to the mental condition that was tormenting my soul. I sought help everywhere possible, I got back on medication to treat the condition (I've been on and off because this does run in the family, but never has it been this bad). I saw therapists, I talked to family and friends every single day, sometimes more than once. I even went to the hospital, when I actually didn't really need to--I was just hoping I'd collapse so people around me would have no choice but to admit me, so I could get some sleep--and some valium. LOL! I prayed, and prayed and prayed. I went out on my patio almost every day, or if I was at work it couldn't even be held in, I cried, groaned and wore out my entire being, asking God what was happening to me. I'm quite sure the most random of people saw me in tears because there was no possibility of me ever holding it back. Kind of embarrassing but hey, it wasn't happening so I just let it flow! Panic attacks in the middle of the night, no sleep, constant sickness, not eating right, was NOT the kind of condition I wanted to be in to take care of my son who needs me at my best, every single day, and my husband too. He was confused, my family across the ocean were worried, and doctors thought I was anorexic. No, I just wanted whatever this is to go away and it wasn't, so it made me more nervous and as a result, I ate less. An entire 8 weeks into taking my medication, I finally felt better. I ate better again, and was able to finally rest. I was able to enjoy my surroundings again and performed better at work and be a better mother and wife. But man, was that bizarre! Turns out I DO NOT have diabetes Praise God! It made no sense for me to have it, nothing added up, except the fact that my lack of eating caused my blood sugars to spike because when we don't eat, our body compensates by producing more sugar. I was given a much better doctor after a huge debacle with the one who mis-diagnosed me, and I'll spare those details. This new Dr. sent me to get a 3rd opinion in the German economy and he found me to not be diabetic. Phew! The only explanation for any of that, I figured, was that the Lord wanted me close to him again. It has to be that because it was the weirdest, scariest time of my life and I can't imagine ever having to go through it again, I pray and pray still, that I never have to endure it. It was awful. I was outside of myself, I was not me. And even now, he's still tugging at me every day, reminding me of what he brought me through. I've still go such a long way to go. I never take a day for granted, I praise him for giving me life, health, my family and friends. Every single day that goes by where I don't feel like I did in the summer of 2011, I am so grateful. Sure the medication worked, but God created the people, with the brains to create such things, and until my body is perfect like his one day, I will need those medications that he's so readily provided for our temporary, imperfect bodies. So now to this day, I am back to being thankful, and savoring every day. I definitely grew here. I've experienced so many amazing things that I would never have if it weren't for my husband, for the Army. Thank God he led me in this way. As he created me an artist, so he allowed me to see the things where the profession all began. Back to the beginning, in the shortest of words possible: I arrived in this foreign land not knowing what was ahead. All I knew was that me and my husband were going to have a LONG honeymoon that we never had otherwise. Unfortunately he had to be deployed to Iraq 3 months after we arrived here. That was my 2nd experience with the deployment, but alone in another country. No big deal, I had this! I visited Berlin!
The Brandenburg Gate
When he came home on R&R we went to Italy for the first time, Lago Di Como to be specific, talk about a breath-taking view! and Milan:
Piazza Del Duomo--Art History class in front of my face, and it didn't stop there! I was blessed with a visit from my Dad and Step-Mother, where we got to see the Castle that Walt Disney was inspired by:
Neuschwanstein Castle in the Bavarian Alps! No Big Deal. And we had an opportunity to visit a piece of history that impacted the entire world before we were even born:
Dachau Concentration Camp. A sobering experience for sure. I met this girl!! Have you ever clicked with someone within the first hour of meeting them?! We did!!
Here we're waiting for our husbands to come home from deployment! For our 2nd Anniversary we visited Rome.
where we ate things such as this:
We walked through the Sistine Chapel, where Michaelangelo painted the entire creation painting. You haven't lived until you've looked at the sistine chapel with your own eyes, in person. Amazing. It goes way beyond that powerful image of God bringing Adam to life with their fingers meeting each other... when you see it, you'll know each story happening and you'll know the sequence, if you have read it in the Bible. It's awesome, it tells the whole book of Genesis pretty much, just in pictures. GAH! Then me and the girl I pictured above, we went to see these guys in Frankfurt:
Childhood dream! One of the best days of my life!! HAHAHA! We totally DID ride a Gondola through Venice!
Guess who was two months pregnant in this picture?! And then Paris. Oh my Word, Paris...
Then we saw this guy at Festival in Belgium, where no one really knew of him that well. Ha!
More King Ludwig Castle visits
I even rode a cable car while 13 weeks pregnant, up to the highest peak in the Bavarian Alps, called the Zugspitze!
It was 32 degrees at the top, in July!! I was blessed to have one of my best friends Kristen and her boyfriend Jeremy to come visit me and do this trek with me! Then in the winter of 2010, February 1st to be exact, I fell in love for the first time, all over again.
Christopher James Bromley was born here! The littlest love of my life, the best thing to ever happen to me! And he grew...
This is him at the Schwimmbad, German word for Swimming Pool! I had a pregnant buddy while I was here, too. Our sons were born 3 weeks apart! She happened to work with me, and also enjoyed discussing things that are usually Too Much Information for most people. My kind of friend! ;p
And me and little CB kept waiting for Daddy to come home from his 3rd deployment
When he came home for this R&R we went to Ireland!
Cliffs of Moher. Absolutely breath-taking. I've never in my life seen anything like it. All the Irish people, were by far the nicest people I have ever met. We went to the German Christmas markets, like we did every winter. Something I'm going to miss, something awful. This is just ONE shot of all the things available there and the prettiness that adds to the joy of the Christmas season.
I'll miss the lights, and the Gluhwein. The brats and the brotchen. Germany is cool!! The boy kept growing...
and growing...
Daddy's home, safe and sound! Thank You Jesus!!
Great, people. Good kids they are.
Hot Husband
There's that growing again. Is he seriously mine?
This is at the Schwimmbad again (it was a two minute walk from our apartment) the following year from the first pic I showed of him at the schwimmbad! Canary Islands, Can we go back?!?!
Hot Husband in Canary Islands <3
The Bavarian Alps were only a 3 hour drive away!
Christmas Market in Rothenburg. By far one of the cutest Bavarian towns I've been to.
There's those delicious BRATS again (and the hot hubby)!
Bavaria has the coolest little OLD churches. They fascinate me.
and hiking trails, everywhere!
We were not far at all from Prague, Czech Republic!
The historical Charles Bridge, in Prague. Covered with vendors and photo ops! The field behind our house.
Got to see these guys too, a fun blast from the past!
My girl Claudia, one of the sweetest people I have EVER had the pleasure of knowing!
And here is that growing boy, swinging at the playground of our hotel, where we're waiting to leave for our flight back home.
He's two-and-a-half now. It's time to go get to know all his grand parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends! I'm going to miss the food here, the beer, the window shades that are installed on the OUTSIDE to block out all things whenever you want them to, my coworkers, it's been so wonderful to be blessed with such cool people to be around, when you have to be with them for most of your days. It's been a wonderful opportunity to work where I have... but it's time to move on and upgrade, if that's possible in this economy, but I'm certain God will work it out, just like he did when I got here, and THIS job fell in my lap. :D I'm going to miss Christmas Markets, Festivals, Oktoberfest, Munchen, Amberg, Cobblestone streets... German Chocolate, and so on. Not everyone can say they got to live in Europe on the Army's dime. I have been blessed, but now I'm blessed even more because it's time to go HOME!! I'd love to stay, it's been wonderful but it's just TIME. My Son will want to see where he was born I'm sure, and since you never know what can happen in the military life, we could be back for a number of reasons... but I'm sure we'll be back.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Now this I can drink.

Thanks to my BBB Jillian Deuel, who introduced me to Dr. Oz's Sleep Slim Smoothie.

I finally found a smoothie that I like that I have pinned to my "My Eat" Pinterest board (My eat is what Christopher says when he means "My Food" It's cute).

I hear that tart cherry juice is ridiculously expensive in the states. I found it at the Edeka (German grocery store) Getrenkemarkt (drink store) for only 2 euros. So I have no idea if it's as healthy as the one in the states but OF COURSE it was not located at the commissary, and I HAD to have this smoothie. If you see and read it's health benefits you'll know why--plus it may just curb my cravings for the Chocolate Oreo ice cream that my husband likes to buy, and not touch, leaving me to do all the eating... I don't have time for that by the time my smoothie is done, so it works perfect.

Jill says she's been sleeping great since she's been drinking it. I know everyone is different but if you know me, you know that sleep doesn't come easy EVERY night, like my husband and son who are out and snoring within 20 minutes or less--so I'm all sorts of jazzed to try this!

My submersion blender is a miracle, I can't believe I haven't gotten one sooner! I do believe that Jesus created the submersion blender and sent them out to all the world to bring clean and convenient blending to all his children. This thing will change your life! You just have to fill your (tall) cup with all the ingredients and just stick this thing down in the cup and turn it on and everything turns to beautiful pureed mush. The contents of your cup don't even splatter out everywhere! Then all you do is hold it under the faucet with hot water running, and it's all clean! That's my kind of appliance!

Wow. You know you're an old lady when you make posts like this one.

Monday, April 16, 2012

So what I'm saying is....

I was very disappointed today when I tried on some beautiful baby blue skinnies at H&M and found a small muffin top! they were a size EIGHT in US. They had to have been jeggings, because even though I'm not as small as I used to be (which I'm mainly happy about, except for the mid-section) I'm definitely not an eight. Nothing is bad about an eight, but I'm not one. I'm not a zero either--thank GOD! My best friend and step-mom tell me that I probably have some haters for thinking this way, I'm not sure what anyone should hate since I'm about as self-conscious as everyone else may be... and I can't help but be obsessive.

I just don't have a toned belly anymore! When you grow up not having to watch what you eat, ever, and you were once called and S.L.R. (Skinny Little Rat--don't worry, it's funny) you are married to a man who can eat taco bell and hamburger helper all day long every day and only gain weight in muscle, I die a little inside when I realize that I actually have to work out and watch what I eat now. It's super frustrating as well because I can't completely avoid fat and sweets because then I'll get skinnier everywhere else, and I only want it to go away from the mid-section. I'll admit, it's not even that bad... but when the former SLR gets a muffin top when trying on jeans, there's a problem!

Currently I only have time during the day to do calf raises, a couple of arm exercises which consists of lifting my son up and down to help him jump to the tune "3 Little Monkeys" or whichever number you decide to start with. I start with 3 because my arms get tired easy. I haven't been able to keep up with yoga because my Army Man's job has him either at work late, or in the field. At home, it's dinner, cleaning, baby boy, baths for all and bed. I'm thinking it may be easier for me when we move home in a couple months--then I'll have babysitters and can actually go to a gym! We'll see...

So the muffin top issue allowed me to save money so that worked well. I only picked up a few layering pieces because you can never have too many. See, me and my hubby went to a casino with some friends on Saturday night, and I won 100 euros. I kept my playing small because I am a beginner, and I wanted to make sure I had some shopping money, and I did. I even have some leftover! But man, this casino includes a free buffet and guess who ate like a whale that night? This girl!

As I was driving back to finish more errands and eventually go back to work, I saw a truck that had in big letters, the word SCHART on the front. That was funny--because I'm five. Then I remembered that most of my efforts to a flat belly consist of inducing bowel movements. Yeah, poop talk is awesome and NOT "Too Much Information" for me. So I try to take stuff for it, I drink really strong coffee, which only works some of the time. I drink way more water than I have in the past so I will admit, I don't feel as bloated as I usually do. When it gets really bad I resort to drinking a "Smooth Move" it's a laxative tea, for those who are unfamiliar. There are days when my tummy looks pretty good--but they are few and far between. I don't get how it fluctuates so much. I have been eating healthy most days, nothing but Quinoa, avocado, beans, peas, peppers, cuccumbers, chicken, fish, and all things healthy and yummy. Eggs for breakfast with fresh fruit, almonds on my snacks... but then the casino happened. Then my son didn't want his donut for breakfast, my coworker makes these amazing cookies and brings in more every single day!

AND THEN... the lady at the gas station gives me FREE Reeses Peanut Butter cups. The whole PX and the Shoppette are trying to get rid of these reeses and I don't understand what they are trying to do to me!

I even had a conversation with a coworker today about the Dependapotomi around these places and how they need to represent their men a little better. We got on the discussion of processed food and how i'll only give certain things to Christopher. But then I go ahead and make a frozen, chinese dinner with egg rolls tonight!! My excuse is that "it won't get THAT big, you'll be skinny forever" and while that may be so... muffin tops in a size 8 for the SKINNY LITTLE RAT... you know the rest.

I do own a pair of spanx. Just one.

The weight gain has me all sorts of jazzed about how stickly my legs DO NOT look, as they did when I was 18 and below. I can't figure out if I just have underworked abs because of my HUGE baby, and I wasn't allowed to workout during my pregnancy for fear of Christopher just splattering out from underneath me--even though I had some shoelace thick, strings sewn up in my cervix to prevent that. I still had to take it easy. That sucked.... or my metabolism is dwindling due to entering my 30's or I need to really give it up with the sweets (which makes me incredibly angry during PMS season) so maybe it's all of the above.

I pray before I eat because that's what I do. I love Jesus and I'm thankful for my food, honestly. Sometimes I ask that the food I'm eating will not make my gut expand. Do you think Jesus is laughing at me or thinking I'm ridiculous? or maybe it will actually work after awhile???

SO yeah, I do not think I am overweight, I'm just not SYMMETRICAL! Please understand! :P

Speaking of babies, my two year old son has me in stitches most of the time because he's so bipolar. He's in such moods when he wakes up and after I put him in the car after picking him up from daycare. He's on this kick of saying "STOP MOMMY!" or "NNNOOOO!" and its like "oh no you really didn't just say that!" He did indeed. What's a mother to do? this is more new mommy stuff here that I'm clueless on. His hitting is getting a little better and then other than that, he's so funny and so sweet, and he LOVES helping around the house. He must be annoyed with me very often because all I want to do is kiss his face, and he's not always down with that as much as he used to be. He's only Two. How is he too cool for me sometimes, ALREADY?!

I really want a #2, and I want it to be a boy. I realize that if it's not a boy I'll love her anyway and we'll grow up to be besties, but I just really dig having boys. This little man of mine is SO FUN and I STILL cannot believe I have a child in my home that came from MY uterus. Ha! He's amazing!

Well, I'm off to have some papaya and water for my dessert.

P.S. Did I mention one of Christopher's daycare, carworkers asked me if I was pregnant!? So you know I'm NOT hallucinating!
